Use grep Output as if-else Conditional

This was my notation of how to use grep’s standard output as an if-else conditional in a shell script.

Basically, just about all programs have at least two outputs: the textual output that it sends to STDOUT - the stuff that you read - and a basic 0, 1 or higher, which you use in shell scripts, if-else conditionals, loops, and other tests.

The if-else conditionals or while loops like to use simple numbers: 0 or 1 and higher for testing for the success or failure of a once-running program. 0 meaning successful run, or 1 and above meaning failed. If we are testing for openvpn being installed, and it returns 0 for yes, 1 for error, you can make a conditional that says if 0, yes, then do not attempt install. If NOT 0, then attempt install.

Now, when I say “return”, I mean it presents the output, by default, essentially in the background where you might not see it, but the computer certainly knows is there. And, depending on the program/programs running, they can see the result, too.

Basic Use of grep in if-else

This would be a simple layout of how you could potentially use this in a shell script.


dpkg -l | grep openvpn &> /dev/null
if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then
  echo "matched"
  echo "Not Matched"

So, lets break that down

  1. dpkg -l - this, by itself, will output all installed programs that dpkg manages.

  2. | - this is the pipe command.

  • What this says is: take the outputted text from the last thing and use it as input for the next thing

  • So, the entire list of installed apps then is searched using grep for openvpn

  1. &> /dev/null - this is a redirection of the output, negating any textual output, leaving only the 1 or 0 or more outputs to use

  2. $? - this basically says take the numbered output, whatever it is, and stick it here

  3. So, when you do $? == 0 you’re saying if the output was 0, then do this command

AND be careful, 0 might not always be yes or confirm. Make sure to check the program’s MAN - manual - pages for clarification, especially if it uses different error codes for different responses.